Lotus Garden If you have a low-spot in your garden and can’t figure out what to do with it – think lotus garden. Heavy clay soil is no reason to be discouraged, as aquatic plants thrive in wet soil. In fact, one of the gems of the plant world is perfectly suited to this environment. […]
Pond Plants 2: Iris Mandy Anders Water Iris include a multitude of species and colors. All of the water iris are bog and marsh plants, but these water-loving plants can survive periods of dry soil. Iris are very hardy, and will grow in full sun to part shade. They possess long, blade-like leaves of green, […]
Floating Rings for Pond Plants by Carol Lockey The floating rings from MAN Island Planters offer many great benefits for ponds. With these floating rings, potted plants are able to float with just the bottom submersed so that the roots are in the water. This is great for nutrient control because the roots of the […]
aquaLife Aquarium Salt by Mandy Anders Aquarium Life Support Systems has added Aquarium Salt for freshwater to its line of growing line of salt products which includes One Sea Salt for saltwater aquariums and Pond Salt for ponds and water gardens. Salt benefits freshwater organisms in multiple ways, including electrolyte replenishment, nitrite poisoning prevention, stress […]